1. HOME 2.Dogs    My son and dogs 4.LINKS 5. More than cats & dogs   6.PARTY  7. No VA RESIDENTS 8.Dogs On A Wall 9.. MEOW 12.RESTORATION  14. Elle & Friends FROGS  FOODIE DOGS ! My Furbabies Leon and Ruby

Ellee was given to me and never had socialization when she was a puppy.

She was fearful, but has come a long way  ! 

Here are some pictures of Ellee and her  new friends.

Elle and Maltese Jasmine running circles around the backyard! When I walked Jasmine and Elle on their leashes a woman commented that they sure were two well behaved dogs !

Ellee and Tinkerbell the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel posing pretty for me.

They were too fast in the backyard for me to get a good picture.

Elle and Molly are best pals.

Molly stayed with us almost a month when her owner went to South Africa.

Some nights Elle and Molly were like two girls having a slumber party! They didn't want to go to sleep!

It was fun watching them play, but I was getting tired ! LOL